One thing that has always bothered me about unit testing is there is no nice way to split tests out into their 3 components Arrange, Act and Assert. The idea is you format the test in a way where its obvious to follow but sometimes it gets really messy. One strategy is you can use comments to break it up but I find you will stop putting them in after you start to write a large number of tests.

So I was thinking you could express them as a lambda expression. The other nice thing is in c# 6 there is also the ability to declare a method as a lambda express too.

public void MyMethod() => Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

This opens the door to all interesting types of unit tests. So with this new framework I created you can write tests like this:

public void TestImplimentedWithFluentTest() => new Test().CreateWithSut<TestObject>()
    .Arrange(c => c.Sut = c.Container.Create<TestObject>())
    .Act(c => c.Sut.AProperty = "Example")
    .Assert(c => c.Sut.AProperty == "Example");

Instead of this:

public void TyicalExampleTest()
    var container = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoFakeItEasyCustomization());
    var sut = container.Create<TestObject>();

    sut.AProperty = "Example";

    Assert.True(sut.AProperty == "Example");

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